Cycling Demystified - Bike Fit, Mechanics and Soft Issues
By Cycling Demystified - Bike Fit, Mechanics and Soft Issues

111: "Humans First Please" - PART 1: The 6 MODERN Bike Fit Mistakes
Welcome to a brand new 6 part series where we explore the modern bike fit mistakes we see riders making on a daily basis.
Listen in each week to discover what each of the mistakes are, why they are relevant to modern riders and how you can use this knowledge and implement improvements to your cycling straight away.
If you're a committed cyclist looking to ride at your best, prevent unnecessary injuries and master your bike position and cycling, this series is for you!
In the first of this series Mat and Wei discuss how they believe in a 'rider first', or 'human first' approach... but this isn't always the way in which bike fit is 'sold' and what many riders expect from a bike fit. So why and who should adopt a 'rider first' approach?
Link to our blog article: "Bike Fitting Has a Problem"
Link to our blog article: "Should You Be Using Clip-on Aero Bars?"
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us:info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go towww.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visitwww.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

110: How Do You Know If A Bike Fit Will Work For You?
Will it work?
What guarantees do I have?
What if it doesn't work?
How will I know if it works?
All important questions every rider will have asked themselves before coming in for a bike fit... So how do riders make the right decision for them?
The team discusses the all important questions riders ask themselves before committing.
And hopefully this will help you decided how to find the right practitioner for you.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us:info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go towww.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visitwww.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

109: Do You Need To Care About The Geometry Of Bike Handling?
Bike fit is usually seen to be concerned with creating biomechanical optimisation, pedalling efficiency, and comfort.
But when you're choosing a new bike do you care about the handling characteristics of your new bike?
How can you tell how a new bike will steer?
Can you even tell before you've ridden it?
Is there any value in test riding a new bike?
And is this a question you should be having with your bike fitter, when choosing a new bike?
Listen in as the team discusses the predicament of bike handling and if you really even need to care.
How bike geometry measurements affect stability - Trail, Rake and Head Tube Angle and more...
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing.

108: A Bike Fit "Standard" Accepted By Saddle Manufacturers - Should You Use It?
We've talked about Saddle BRP (Biomechanical Reference Point) on the podcast before [Ep55 Do This One Thing For Your Saddle Comfort]
But some recent bike fits and customer experiences within bike shops have led us to feel the need to discuss the concept again...
And if you're not aware of the BRP - then this could be a real game changer in being able to consistently find your bike fit even though you're setting up your position on a different bike, or using a completely different shaped saddle.
For folks working in bike shops, we feel this is a critical concept that will differentiate you as a truly knowledgeable destination and you'll find that you can get your riders consistently better results on their bikes - win, win!
So listen in to find out why the BRP point is a cornerstone of bike fitting.
A practical guide on how to measure your bike (including how to find the BRP point)
But there's still no real consensus on where the BRP should be across all manufacturers... San Marco use 70mm
Gebiomized even make a tool to find the 80mm point
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing.

107: Are Established Cycling Traditions Holding Back True Innovation?
The traditions in life create a sense of safety through their predictability and more often than not we look forward to them, such as Christmas and Birthdays...
But when do long held traditions in cycling, start to stifle innovation?
Are current cycling industry trends simply small attempts to disrupt the status quo or upset the traditionalists?
And when does a bike become vintage?
The team take a stab at picking their way along the winding path of traditions vs. genuine innovation - is there anything that is true innovation coming in 2025?
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

106: Is This The Golden Age Of Bike Fitting?
Ev ended the last episode (105: Are bikes too expensive?) by suggesting that we are living in the golden age of bike fit.
We couldn't let that one lie, so in this episode we dive into the reasons why we could be living through a golden age for bike fit.
Or more specifically, is bike fitting now more relevant than it has ever been?
Has the advent of integrated cockpits and proprietary seatposts meant that bike fitting is being considered by more riders?
See where the new year optimism takes the team through his latest discussion.
And as always, let us know what you think about how relevant bike fitting is in 2025.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

105: Are Bikes Too Expensive? And What You Can Do About It.
Have we reached a peak in the price for a new push bike in 2025?
The team discuss the rising cost of bikes, components and what you can do as a consumer to navigate the changing prices.
Do bikes still offer the same value as before?
What things should you consider before purchasing a new bike?
Are there hidden costs, not only monetarily but also in time and effort when buying a modern bike?
And does this mean we've reached a golden age for bike fit?
If you're considering a new bike this year, listen to this first!
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

104: Five CORE CONCEPTS of Bike Fit You Need to Know
Welcome back to the podcast!
This week we have a special condensed recording from a 2 hour workshop i recently ran with a local cycling club based in Regent's Park in London, UK.
The workshop covers 5 key fundamental concepts of bike fitting which I feel every cyclist can benefit from understanding.
Once you understand these universal concepts, they will give you greater clarity on what you are trying to achieve through your bike fit.
We applied these principles with some live bike fitting on the day and as a bonus you see some of that fitting here on the video recording.
Take some of the methods we cover in the workshop and you can make meaningful changes to your bike position very easily, with just an Allen key.
In the meantime, Enjoy!
Special thanks to Lizzie Jenkins for putting this video together: https://www.lizziejenkinsfilm.com/
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

103: Do You Need A Triathlon Bike?
This is a question we get asked ALOT.
So in this episode we break down the pros and cons of owning a dedicated triathlon bike .
i.e. When should you be using an aerodynamically optimised TT style bike for triathlon?
We cover not only the positional / bike fit requirements but also the practical elements you should consider such as how to travel with you tri but, servicing and disc brakes.
We even discuss the social implications and pressures of owning a tri bike.
And finally, listen till the end to find out how you can help us to get Ev to do his first triathlon!
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

102: "One Bike To Rule Them All" Is This Going To Be The 2025 Trend?
It's no secret we are big fans of versatile bikes...
This means bikes that are simple to adjust, adaptable, easy to maintain and have longevity.
After the aero / integrated cockpit trends of late, are we seeing a return to bikes which are more versatile?
The crew returns for the first episode of 2025 to discuss their hopes, dreams and ambitions for 2025...
And what do you need to consider if you want to have that one bike to rule them all.
Geometry choice is just as important as tyre clearance choices.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

101: The 12 Days Of Bike Fit - BONUS - Our Top Bike Fit Tips! 🎁
Welcome to the 12 Days of Bike Fit:
BONUS Episode!
Wei, Mat(t) & Ev give their top bike fitting tips to round out the 12 days of bike fit.
Happy Christmas!
2024 has been an amazing year for the podcast and as we near the end of the year we wanted to create a little something extra to say thanks to all of you for listening, for your feedback and for your support. 😘😘😘
So what we've done is asked bike fitters & friends from around the world to contribute an actionable bike fit tip to help you find even more comfort, efficiency and performance in 2025.
Each day in the lead up to Christmas we will play one tip and then the Cycling Demystified team will explore each tip in a bit more detail so you can get the most from all these nuggets of gold.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

100: If You Move Your Saddle... 🎄 The 12 Days Of Bike Fit (12)
Welcome to the 12 Days of Bike Fit:
Day 12 🎄 - Saddle Setback Advice - Kate - Hackney Bike Fit
2024 has been an amazing year for the podcast and as we near the end of the year we wanted to create a little something extra to say thanks to all of you for listening, for your feedback and for your support. 😘😘😘
So what we've done is asked bike fitters & friends from around the world to contribute an actionable bike fit tip to help you find even more comfort, efficiency and performance in 2025.
Each day in the lead up to Christmas we will play one tip and then the Cycling Demystified team will explore each tip in a bit more detail so you can get the most from all these nuggets of gold.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

99: Strength For Endurance - The 12 Days Of Bike Fit (11)
Welcome to the 12 Days of Bike Fit:
Day 11 - Strength For Endurance - Kriss Hendy
Related episodes :
Ep 34: The 2 Fundamental Pre-requisites For Creating A Powerful Cyclist - Kriss from SFE interviews Wei
2024 has been an amazing year for the podcast and as we near the end of the year we wanted to create a little something extra to say thanks to all of you for listening, for your feedback and for your support. 😘😘😘
So what we've done is asked bike fitters & friends from around the world to contribute an actionable bike fit tip to help you find even more comfort, efficiency and performance in 2025.
Each day in the lead up to Christmas we will play one tip and then the Cycling Demystified team will explore each tip in a bit more detail so you can get the most from all these nuggets of gold.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

98: Prepare Yourself - The 12 Days Of Bike Fit (10)
Welcome to the 12 Days of Bike Fit:
Day 10 - Warmup or Cooldown? - Chris @ Cycling Performance UK
Related episodes :
Ep 35: Ironman Texas: How a Bike Fitter Would Train For Their First Ironman - With Cycling Performance UK
2024 has been an amazing year for the podcast and as we near the end of the year we wanted to create a little something extra to say thanks to all of you for listening, for your feedback and for your support. 😘😘😘
So what we've done is asked bike fitters & friends from around the world to contribute an actionable bike fit tip to help you find even more comfort, efficiency and performance in 2025.
Each day in the lead up to Christmas we will play one tip and then the Cycling Demystified team will explore each tip in a bit more detail so you can get the most from all these nuggets of gold.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

97: Bar Width Method - The 12 Days Of Bike Fit (9)
Welcome to the 12 Days of Bike Fit:
Day 9 - Bar Width Method - Romain - Get A Bike Fit
2024 has been an amazing year for the podcast and as we near the end of the year we wanted to create a little something extra to say thanks to all of you for listening, for your feedback and for your support. 😘😘😘
So what we've done is asked bike fitters & friends from around the world to contribute an actionable bike fit tip to help you find even more comfort, efficiency and performance in 2025.
Each day in the lead up to Christmas we will play one tip and then the Cycling Demystified team will explore each tip in a bit more detail so you can get the most from all these nuggets of gold.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

96: Check Your C*$%&! - The 12 Days Of Bike Fit (8)
Welcome to the 12 Days of Bike Fit:
Day 8 - Check Your... - Bryan McCullough - The Bike The Body
Related episodes :
Ep 82: Cracking The Code On Hypermobility + Bike Fitting - With Physio, Bryan McCullough
2024 has been an amazing year for the podcast and as we near the end of the year we wanted to create a little something extra to say thanks to all of you for listening, for your feedback and for your support. 😘😘😘
So what we've done is asked bike fitters & friends from around the world to contribute an actionable bike fit tip to help you find even more comfort, efficiency and performance in 2025.
Each day in the lead up to Christmas we will play one tip and then the Cycling Demystified team will explore each tip in a bit more detail so you can get the most from all these nuggets of gold.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

95: Saddle Too Low / Too High? - The 12 Days Of Bike Fit (7)
Welcome to the 12 Days of Bike Fit:
Day 7 - Better Low or High? Saddle Height - Nicole Oh
Related episodes :
Ep 78: The Golden Ticket To Becoming a Stronger Cyclist - Bone Health, RED-S & Energy Traps With Physio Bike Fitter Nicole Oh
2024 has been an amazing year for the podcast and as we near the end of the year we wanted to create a little something extra to say thanks to all of you for listening, for your feedback and for your support. 😘😘😘
So what we've done is asked bike fitters & friends from around the world to contribute an actionable bike fit tip to help you find even more comfort, efficiency and performance in 2025.
Each day in the lead up to Christmas we will play one tip and then the Cycling Demystified team will explore each tip in a bit more detail so you can get the most from all these nuggets of gold.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

94: Foot Stance - The 12 Days Of Bike Fit (6)
Welcome to the 12 Days of Bike Fit:
Day 6 - Foot Stance Width - James Roberts - Fit2Ride
Related episodes :
88a: The Hardest Riders To Bike Fit - PART 1 - with James Roberts Fit2Ride
88b: The Lost Art of Feel - PART 2 - with James Roberts Fit2Ride
2024 has been an amazing year for the podcast and as we near the end of the year we wanted to create a little something extra to say thanks to all of you for listening, for your feedback and for your support. 😘😘😘
So what we've done is asked bike fitters & friends from around the world to contribute an actionable bike fit tip to help you find even more comfort, efficiency and performance in 2025.
Each day in the lead up to Christmas we will play one tip and then the Cycling Demystified team will explore each tip in a bit more detail so you can get the most from all these nuggets of gold.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

93: The Cycling Foot - The 12 Days Of Bike Fit (5)
Welcome to the 12 Days of Bike Fit:
Day 5 - Thoughts On Feet - Dan Smith - UK Bike Fit
Related episodes :
Ep 77: What is a Clinical Bike Fit? An Interview With Dan Smith, UK Bike Fit
UK Bike Fit - Specialist Bike Fitting based in Derby
Check them out on Instagram: @ukbikefit
2024 has been an amazing year for the podcast and as we near the end of the year we wanted to create a little something extra to say thanks to all of you for listening, for your feedback and for your support. 😘😘😘
So what we've done is asked bike fitters & friends from around the world to contribute an actionable bike fit tip to help you find even more comfort, efficiency and performance in 2025.
Each day in the lead up to Christmas we will play one tip and then the Cycling Demystified team will explore each tip in a bit more detail so you can get the most from all these nuggets of gold.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

92: Caught On Camera - The 12 Days Of Bike Fit (4)
Welcome to the 12 Days of Bike Fit:
Day 4 - Video Analysis - Arjan Bode - Movement Scientist
2024 has been an amazing year for the podcast and as we near the end of the year we wanted to create a little something extra to say thanks to all of you for listening, for your feedback and for your support. 😘😘😘
So what we've done is asked bike fitters & friends from around the world to contribute an actionable bike fit tip to help you find even more comfort, efficiency and performance in 2025.
Each day in the lead up to Christmas we will play one tip and then the Cycling Demystified team will explore each tip in a bit more detail so you can get the most from all these nuggets of gold.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

91: Outdoor Skills? - The 12 Days Of Bike Fit (3)
Welcome to the 12 Days of Bike Fit:
Day 3 - Ride Outside - Colin Norris
Related episodes :
Ep 11: Try-Harder: The Reality Of A Professional Triathlete With Colin Norris
Ep 39: Five Easy Bike Fit Strategies To Help You Run Fast: A Triathlon Masterclass
APB | Triathlon & Running Coaching For All
2024 has been an amazing year for the podcast and as we near the end of the year we wanted to create a little something extra to say thanks to all of you for listening, for your feedback and for your support. 😘😘😘
So what we've done is asked bike fitters & friends from around the world to contribute an actionable bike fit tip to help you find even more comfort, efficiency and performance in 2025.
Each day in the lead up to Christmas we will play one tip and then the Cycling Demystified team will explore each tip in a bit more detail so you can get the most from all these nuggets of gold.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

90: Forces Within Fitting - The 12 Days Of Bike Fit (2)
Welcome to the 12 Days of Bike Fit:
Day 2 - Forces Within Fitting - John Higgins
Related episodes:
Ep 76: The Use of Body Patterns in Bike Fitting, with John Higgins
Ep 57: A Eurobike Special - Redefining Custom Shoes & Lessons From a Bikefitr
2024 has been an amazing year for the podcast and as we near the end of the year we wanted to create a little something extra to say thanks to all of you for listening, for your feedback and for your support. 😘😘😘
So what we've done is asked bike fitters & friends from around the world to contribute an actionable bike fit tip to help you find even more comfort, efficiency and performance in 2025.
Each day in the lead up to Christmas we will play one tip and then the Cycling Demystified team will explore each tip in a bit more detail so you can get the most from all these nuggets of gold.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

89: An Invitation To Reflect - The 12 Days Of Bike Fit (1)
Welcome to the 12 Days of Bike Fit:
Day 1 - Reflection With Gillian Corke
Past episodes with Gillian:
Ep 62: Teaching The Hidden Skills To Top Bike Fitters For Meaningful Results - An Interview With Gillian Corke
Ep 15: Emotional Intelligence - The Hidden Side Of Bike Fitting With Gillian Corke
Find Gillian @ Contact Point
Torke Cycling - Bike Fit Education
2024 has been an amazing year for the podcast and as we near the end of the year we wanted to create a little something extra to say thanks to all of you for listening, for your feedback and for your support. 😘😘😘
So what we've done is asked bike fitters & friends from around the world to contribute an actionable bike fit tip to help you find even more comfort, efficiency and performance in 2025.
Each day in the lead up to Christmas we will play one tip and then the Cycling Demystified team will explore each tip in a bit more detail so you can get the most from all these nuggets of gold.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

88b: The Lost Art of Feel - PART 2 - with James Roberts Fit2Ride
One of the reasons why I started this podcast was to be able to speak to other bike fitters and find out what keeps them motivated, what keeps them turning up every day and what informs their critical decision making.
Today we've got a great conversation with bike fitter James Roberts from Fit2Ride, which is full of gems, in fact it was so full of the good stuff we've split it into two episodes!
In part one we discuss the most difficult bike fits we encounter, the hardest riders to fit and what kind of values do we want to convey to our riders.
In part two we start by discussing James' experience with fitting professional riders, the lost art of feeling, if bike fitting is more art than science and finishing, as always, with some practical tips for you to implement in your bike fit.
So grab yourself a cuppa and settle in for another deep dive into the mysterious world of bike fitting...
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

88a: The Hardest Riders To Bike Fit - PART 1 - with James Roberts Fit2Ride
One of the reasons why I started this podcast was to be able to speak to other bike fitters and find out what keeps them motivated, what keeps them turning up every day and what informs their critical decision making.
Today we've got a great conversation with bike fitter James Roberts from Fit2Ride, which is full of gems, in fact it was so full of the good stuff we've split it into two epsiodes!
In part one we discuss the most difficult bike fits we encounter, the hardest riders to fit and what kind of values do we want to convey to our riders.
In part two we start by discussing James' experience with fitting professional riders, the lost art of feeling, if bike fitting is more art than science and finishing, as always, with some practical tips for you to implement in your bike fit.
So grab yourself a cuppa and settle in for another deep dive into the mysterious world of bike fitting...
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

87: Addressing Foot Numbness - Perspectives From A Rider & Bike Fitter
Want to know what it feels like to get a bike fit?
This week young Matt gets a bike fit from Mat the bike fitter.
Wei takes the opportunity to quiz them both on their bike fit experience to give you an insight into how it feels to be on the receiving end of a fit and what the thought processes are from the perspective of a fitter.
More specifically, how could a bike fit help young Matt resolve his on going foot numbness issues?
And what solutions did we end up testing?
Listen on for a deep dive into our bike fitting methodology and philosophy.
Related episodes: Ep 65: Foot & Shoe Fit Optimisation SERIES 1-4
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

86: Bike Fitting By Ear - Your FREE Tool To Assess The Quality Of Your Fit
As a podcast listener, this will be particularly relevant for you...
Do you know what sound your bike fit makes?
What can this tell you about your bike position?
Tap into the free and easy tool that every rider can use to assess and test their bike position...
Mat and Wei provide a bike fitting case study so that you can learn the technique of using audio cues to gauge your position, understand what to listen out for and improve your riding both indoors and outdoors.
And find out where we learned this, little talked about technique from...
Show links:
Ep 79: Clipless Vs Flat Pedals - Which Is Better?
Forward Head Positioning & Wearing The Weight of The Crown
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

85: The Misunderstood Value of an Independent & Impartial Bike Fit Studio ( & How You Can Help!)
Welcome back to the podcast!
This week, after Mat receives some unfounded resistance from a bike shop, the team discusses why we feel it is so important we are an independent and impartial bike fit studio especially when it comes to giving advice to riders when they are buying a new bike.
Would it surprise you to hear that bike fitters and bike shops often find it hard to help each other out?
Or see eye to eye?
And what does this mean for the consumer?
And who should you trust?
Perhaps it's time to refresh our emotional intelligence...
Listen on to find how you can make the best bike buying decisions for you and if you should be demanding more from your local bike shop!
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

84: When is a Bargain, Not a Bargain? (A Bike Fitter's Guide to Buying a Bike in the Sales)
It's a buyers market right now, and with many brands currently reducing their inventory at the end of the year and Black Friday looming, how can you make an informed decision in the face of endless "bargains".
The team discuss the best ways to get the bike you REALLY want without risking a regrettable impulse buy.
We also discuss why your consumer choice is more limited than ever.
Stick with us till the end and we also reveal why the Specialized Aethos is an anomaly... but could be one of the best bikes you could ever buy!
As always we'd love to hear from you, and let us know what you value the most from your bike and cycling.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 83: Did Superman Cause Projectile Vomiting? 🤢 Kona 2024 Bike Positions Dissected...
As always, you can never predict what happens at Kona...
This year, former Olympic and World Champion, Norwegian triathlete, Kristian Blummenfelt turned up to Kona with much a hyped, "brand new" superman aero bike position.
He then proceeded to projectile vomit multiple times on the bike course, scuppering his chances of taking another World Championship title.
His compatriot and training partner, Gustav Eden, also turned up with a superman aero position and DNF'd.
In fact 22% of the field did not finish... many sporting a more extreme aerodynamic bike position...
- Is there a correlation between these more extreme bike positions and the higher than average DNF rate?
- What caused so many of the pro field to adopt a more extreme position?
- And what lessons can we take, as amateur athletes, from the spectacular explosions we saw at Kona?
Listen on as our resident (semi-retired) triathletes, Matt and Wei discuss the Ironman World Champs 2024.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Email us: info@foundation.fit
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 82: Cracking The Code On Hypermobility + Bike Fitting - With Physio, Bryan McCullough
This week we interview another well established bike fitter / physio, Bryan from The Bike The Body, to explore the subject of how to help riders with hypermobility find a great bike fit.
Are you even aware if you have hypermobility?
And why does it matter?
And how does hypermobility affect my bike riding specifically?
If you want to know the answers to these questions, plus get actionable advice, whether you are a rider or bike fitter, listen on as we lift the lid on hypermobility.
We explore:
- The scale for assessing hypermobility
- Can you grow out of hypermobility?
- What is your proprioceptive age?
- Could you have a connective tissue disorder?
- Why stretching could be the worst thing you can do...
- And actionable advice for living & riding with hypermobility.
You may be surprised how few riders know that they have hypermobility, but it could explain many of the pains and discomforts you've been experiencing out on the road.
Let's go!
The Ehlers-Danlos SocietyNaboso insoles
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 81: Ultra Distance Preparation - PART 2 - Fit, Fuel & Fun with Acier & Peak Bike Fitting
This week we conclude our discussion about Ultra Distance Preparation with coach Sam from Acier.cc and Lee from Peak Bike Fitting.
We start by covering specific bike fit considerations and when to change your bike fit, how fuel can be an emotional tool you can employ and of course what our favourite ride snacks are!
So if you've signed up to a Ultra event or you're keen to figure out if this is for you, listen on for some invaluable insights from 2 specialists in all things ultra distance.
If you missed PART 1 of this podcast you can find it here:
Ep 80: Ultra Distance Preparation - PART 1 - Embracing the Unknown with Acier & Peak Bike Fitting
Find Lee @ Peak Bike Fitting
Check out our other episodes about Ultra Distance:
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 80: Ultra Distance Preparation - PART 1 - Embracing the Unknown with Acier & Peak Bike Fitting
This week we are bringing you a 1st part of an 2 part discussion with Sam from Acier.cc and Lee from Peak Bike Fitting, all about how to prepare for an ultra distance event.
Our discussion itself went a bit ultra distance, so we decided to split it into two parts -
The first dives into preparing your mindset tool kit. Understanding your real motivations to aid decision making and why the ultra distance community is so special.
Part 2 two, released next week, will bring more practical advice around bike fit setup, ride snacks and how to training your fueling.
So if you've signed up to a Ultra event or you're keen to figure out if this is for you, listen on for some invaluable insights from 2 specialists in all things ultra distance.
Check out our other episodes about Ultra Distance:
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 79: Clipless Vs Flat Pedals - Which Is Better?
This week's podcast discusses everything you need to know flat pedals vs. clipless (clip-in?!?) pedals.
Why do mountain bikers prefer flat pedals?
Could roadies gain an advantage by riding flats?
And why are clip-in pedals called "Clipless"?
Finally we couldn't talk about pedals without talking about shoes... so if you're interested in why a Last is called Last and want to know which should you prioritise: nice shoes vs nice pedals...
Listen on in... :)
Show Notes:
Why pedaling efficiency has nothing to do with your pedals.
Are Clipless Pedals Actually More Efficient Than Flat Pedals? The Answer Might Surprise You.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 78: The Golden Ticket To Becoming a Stronger Cyclist - Bone Health, RED-S & Energy Traps With Physio Bike Fitter Nicole Oh
This week we have another interview with a physio bike fitter, Nicole Oh, who is a very distinguished road racer,
Having stood on multiple podiums and ridden the Tour Down Under. I really wanted to get Nic on to give us her expertise
on the effect cycling has on our bone health, our performance and the energy deficiency traps that we commonly and inadvertently fall into.
Nic talks to us about her own sudden journey into menopause, the unexpected effect that had on her bone health
and how she's found her way back to an elite racing level.
Nic brings a wealth of knowledge from 25 years of being a physio, so if you want to know the myth about
whether cyclists should be running in the off-season, what the golden ticket to riding strong into your 40s and beyond is,
listen in for some hard truths that need to be talked about.
Nicole Oh - Cycling Weekly Articles
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Masterclass | Physiotutors Podcast ep.037 | Claire Robertson
Minerals we sweat out during exercise
A Systematic Review of Bone Health in Cyclists
DEXA scan - Bone density scan
Dr Nicky Keay - Hormone Health Expert
Relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S)
WATCH - IOC: Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) by Dr Margo Mountjoy
What Causes a Morning Erection?
READ - Matthew Walker - Why We Sleep
READ - The Mid Life Cyclist - Phil Cavell
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 77: What is a Clinical Bike Fit? An Interview With Dan Smith, UK Bike Fit
What is a clinical bike fit?
And is there any difference between this and a regular bike fit?
To answer this question I've sought out the help of bike fitter and physio, owner of UK Bike Fit, Dan Smith.
We get into an interesting discussion about the science of pain...
The underlying truth about micro-adjusters and macro absorbers...
Whether it's normal or not that things will feel strange after a bike fit...
And at the end of it all Dan shares some key tips to help you self-assess your own bike position.
So if you've been wondering what a clinical bike fitter is, listen on in.
UK Bike Fit - Specialist Bike Fitting based in Derby
Check them out on Instagram: @ukbikefit
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 76: The Use of Body Patterns in Bike Fitting, with John Higgins
Today's episode is all about pattern recognition in bike fitting and although this tends to fly under the radar, pattern recognition is essentially the basis for AI, motion capture systems like Retul and actually how human bike fitters assess riders with their eye.
In fact humans are built to be extremely good at pattern recognition and you are doing this every minute of the day, even if you don't know it!
I'm joined by master bike fitter John Higgins who's written an in-depth article on this subject and so I wanted to get him on the podcast to explore some more the details including if bike fitting is only relevant for riders who fall outside of the normative bell curve?
How to understand your body proportions?
Do you know if you have a positive or negative ape factor?
And what effect this has on your fit outcomes? Which sometimes leads to counter-intuitive results...
So if you're one of those riders who always feels they are in-between sizes - you're a "size splitter" as John calls it...
or you want to know why your position always looks different to your riding buddies...
Should you be trying to conform to what is traditionally regarded as a good position on the bike?
Well, this is going to be a great episode for you...
John's article: The Use of Body Patterns in Bike Fitting
How to calculate your Ape Index
You should also check out this article by Dan Empfield: Orthodoxy
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 75: SHORTS - Buying a New Bike? The ONE Tip To Make The Best Choice.
Are you in the market for a new bike?
Even if you are an experienced cyclist and have a comfortable position, how will you translate this over to a new bike?
Especially if it is a bike for a different purpose e.g. mtb vs. gravel or road vs TT bike...
Well, there's one clear way you can eliminate the doubt, stop guessing and potentially throwing away thousands of your hard earned pounds... make sure you buy the right size bike with the right sized components from the start!
How can you do this? Listen on for the ONE thing you need to do before you buy your new bike.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 74: Gravel Is The Wild West & Other Silly Modern Trends in Cycling 😝
What does the Leadville MTB race, Magnus Ditlev, Jeremy Clarkson and white cycling shoes all have in common? They're all connected to the rise of silly trends we've been spotting in cycling recently.
A bit of a tongue-in-cheek episode which starts with Matt getting very offended by the emergence of 37cm drop handlebars on a mountain bike winning Leadville 100...
We also delve into some wild triathlon aero setups and the notorious Morf-Tech TriFold bars, aero shoe covers in mountain bike races, forward saddle positions, shoe fashion and a plea to not follow what the pros are doing...
They maybe optimal for their sport, but they are likely not optimal for life...
Keegan Swenson's Drop Bar Santa Cruz Highball - 2024 Leadville 100
Pauline Ferrand-Prévot is using overshoes in the mountain bike cross country race!
Magnus Ditlev's high + forward tri bike position
Morf-Tech TriFold bars – a reinvention of the aerobar
Pro trend: forward saddle positions
Ep 12: Hobby Jogger: Will running Make You Better Cyclist?
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 73: SHORTS - What The Pros Can Teach Us About Bike Fitting? - 3 Key Lessons
Today we are talking about some of the amazing bike racing, road racing that we've been seeing this season.
Overall it's been one of the best years of bike racing that we have seen for a long, long time.
As bike fitters we're constantly evaluating and analysing the ever evolving pro peloton, so we wanted to share some of the trends that we have spotted and how you can make use of this to improve your own bike fit.
We also explore the different values and expectations the pros may be subject to and how the pro peloton is best as a source of inspiration rather than emulation.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 72: The Anatomy of Handlebars - The Biomechanical Advantage You Are Missing 😮
Did you know there are at least 7 distinct sizing variables that you should be considering when choosing your drop handlebars?
This is a really packed episode where the team discuss all aspects of handlebars... including the biomechanical considerations of drop bars vs flat bars, how our shoulder stability can affect the effectiveness of our pedalling, why every bike fitter has an ever growing pile of Bontrager / Trek handlebars in the corner of their studio...
And why it's important to look beyond the 3 basic dimensions of handlebar width, drop and reach...
Using drop handlebars as a start point, we explore gravel and mountain bike options as well some more exotic choices such as Jones bars.
And Matt raises a hand to normalise the drop bar riser handlebar... could this be a thing?
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 71: SHORTS - Is Chain Waxing Just The New Fad... Or Could It Have Hidden Benefits?
Ev drags Matt into a new dawn by waxing his chain without his permission... with unexpected consequences... find out what happened and how waxing your chain could be the next big consideration to make your cycling life just a little easier... and faster... and cleaner...
Get in touch with Ev at www.frequencycycleworks.com for all you chain waxing needs!
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 70: Do We Need Mountain Bike Fitting?!? 🏔️ With Jon Wild (Pedalling Perfection)
Welcome to the pod and I am particularly excited about sharing this episode because it is all about mountain biking, which is secretly my favourite discipline on two wheels!
We managed to convince John Wild from Pedalling perfection to come all the way from Bristol to join us in the studio to talk all things mountain bike fitting and we get straight into it - do we even need a bike fit if we ride a mountain bike?
We talk about priorities, traction vs. pedalling efficiency, what methods to use when fitting a mountain bike, what stops mountain bikers coming in a for a fit, who should be looking for a fit and find out if Jon has fitted a unicycle or not!
It's going to be a good one, so grab your tea and biscuits and settle in... here we go!
Find Jon at: https://www.pedallingperfection.com/
Lee McCormack’s RAD measurement.
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 69: BONUS - Foot & Shoe Fit Optimisation - One FINAL Tip Every Rider Should Be Doing
We hope you've enjoyed this mini foot / shoe optimisation series. Wei has one final important message for all riders looking to improve their connection with their bike and have been considering or are currently exploring the foot optimisation tools we've been discussing...
If you're not doing this one thing, then you are putting off the inevitable and only looking at the short term gains which ultimately might lead to a worse outcome later on...
As always, let us know you thoughts, questions and how you get along with optimising your ride.
If you missed the previous episodes in this mini series you can catch up here:
Ep 68: Foot & Shoe Fit Optimisation PART 4 of 4: Wedges - Bringing the Shoe To Meet The Foot
Buy your shims, wedges & extender plates from: https://www.form-bikefitting.com/
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 68: Foot & Shoe Fit Optimisation PART 4 of 4: Wedges - Bringing the Shoe To Meet The Foot
The fourth and final part of our mini series on foot & shoe optimisation. Our aim is to explore some of the finer details of bike fit to help you find the next level of connection with your bike!
In this episode we explore the world of wedging... how can a couple of millimetres of plastic have such a profound effect on our connection with the bike?!?
Listen in to find out why wedging is a thing of any serious cyclist looking to maximise their riding potential... how to think about the concepts... how to apply the method... common pitfalls and what you should expect from successful wedging :)
This one is a must for any bike fit and foot geeks!
If you missed the previous episodes in this mini series you can catch up here:
Ep 67: Foot & Shoe Fit Optimisation PART 3 of 4: Leg Length Differences - Are You Wonky & Does It Matter?
Buy your wedges from: https://www.form-bikefitting.com/
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 67: Foot & Shoe Fit Optimisation PART 3 of 4: Leg Length Differences - Are You Wonky & Does It Matter?
The third part of our mini series on foot & shoe optimisation. Our aim is to explore some of the finer details of bike fit to help you find the next level of connection with your bike!
In this episode we discuss the fascinating world of movement symmetry and how navigate leg length differences in the context of bike fitting.
The hard truth is that you, as a human, are not symmetrical in both in structure and movement. So how does this affect our bike riding? Should you been "correcting" for asymmetry in your legs? And how should you go about doing this?
If you've been struggling with persistent single sided saddle sores, foot pain, back ache, or any other single sided discomfort when riding, perhaps it's worth thinking about this topic. Listen on for a practical view on managing leg length differences in cycling.
Coming up next: PART 4 - Wedging... what is that?!?
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 66: Foot & Shoe Fit Optimisation PART 2 of 4: How To Explore Q-Factor & Foot Stance Within Your Bike Fit
The second part of our mini series on foot & shoe optimisation. Our aim is to explore some of the finer details of bike fit to help you find the next level of connection with your bike!
In this episode we:
1. Define the difference between Q-factor and stance width.
2. Give you examples of how it can affect your pedal stroke, foot comfort and pedalling efficiency.
3. The method you can use to start exploring what might be best for you.
4. Highlight some tools and equipment to help you achieve different foot stances and ultimately a better ride!
Coming up next: PART 3 - All about leg length shims
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 65: Foot & Shoe Fit Optimisation PART 1 of 4: Two Good Reasons To Experiment With Cleat Extender Plates
The first part of our mini series on foot & shoe optimisation. Our aim is to explore some of the finer details of bike fit to help you find the next level of connection with your bike! Have you tried a more rearward cleat position?
Do your shoes even allow you to achieve your optimal cleat position?
And what are the advantages of using a more rearward cleat position?
If you've ever ponder these questions then this episode if for you!
The first in a mini series explore all aspects of foot & shoe fit optimisation for cycling. We're going to delve into the finer details of cleat positioning, when to use leg length shims, where to place wedges, shoe fit, pedal interfaces and more.
These seemingly small adjustments can be the hidden keys that unlock the connection to your bike and riding that you've always been looking for!
Coming up next: PART 2 - Q-Factor and Foot Stance
Ep 40: The Ten Pillars of Bike Fit - Part 1 of 10: Cleat Positioning
Ep 37: Why We Don't Believe in 'Standalone' Cleat Fitting
Ep 28: PART 1 - More Torke: How & Why You Should Be More Fussy About Your Cycling Shoe Fit
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 64: The Road To The Olympics - An Interview With Multiple World Champion & Para-athlete, Fran Brown
Welcome back team and I hope you've all been enjoying the amazing racing at the 2024 Olympics so far!
This week I have a very special guest on the show, Para-Olympian Fran Brown, who will be representing Team GB in the upcoming para-games.
I really enjoyed my chat with Fran, who is an amazingly humble athlete, especially when she has accomplished so much both in raising awareness for the para-sports but also in her own individual achievements.
She's world champion in 3 different sports, starting with climbing, then triathlon and recently winning a record breaking 5 gold medals at the Glasgow cycling world champs last year.
It's not all been plain sailing for Fran though, as she's been struggling to recover from broken ribs, botched operations and multiple incidents with motorists running her off the road.
So listen in for a high dose of inspiration and an insight into the life of a multiple world champion.
Find Fran on Instagram: @franrbrown
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing

Ep 63: SHORTS - An Interview With Form: Cleat Extender Plates, Shims & A New Bike Fitting Tool Revealed...
One for the bike fit geeks this week! I catch up with Ronan Descy to talk about his company Form, which makes specialist bike fitting tools and hardware. These include shims, wedges, and extender plates - all the widgets bike fitters use to improve a rider's comfort and connection with their bike. We discuss some of his latest products, why they're an essential part of every bike fitters tool box, and also reveal a prototype tool which Ronan will be bringing to the market soon... If you're a bike fitter, don't miss this one! https://www.form-bikefitting.com/
If you have any further questions for us, join the conversation at: https://www.instagram.com/cyclingdemystified/
Are you 'bike-fit curious'? Go to www.foundation.fit to book in for a session and get your fit dialled in at London's premier bike fit studio.
Looking for a custom bike, a hand-built custom wheelset or other upgrades? Visit www.frequencycycleworks.com for more info and for pro-level servicing.